The Landscape of Microinsurance 2023 published today

We're proud to be a part of the Microinsurance Network Landscape of Microinsurance 2023 - the microinsurance industry's only tool to track our progress as a sector, and an indispensable guide to the trends, achievements and remaining gaps we face.

The latest study is published today, and with 253 insurance providers reporting in 34 countries, it is the most comprehensive to date.

Based on the data provided by these insurers, the study concludes that:

👩‍👧‍👦Up to 223 million people in the 34 participating countries are covered by a microinsurance product, with the most prevalent product lines being life, credit life and health

💵The value of the microinsurance market is estimated at USD 61.8 billion

🎯Currently, just 3% of that market value is captured, demonstrating the enormous untapped potential that remains.

Read the findings in full on the Microinsurance Network website.


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