Inclusive insurance and risk financing in Ecuador. Snapshot and way forward 2024
This report presents the main findings of UNDP’s inclusive insurance and risk finance country diagnostic for Ecuador. It sets out key risks, the current inclusive insurance and disaster risk finance landscape, and recommendations to advance inclusive insurance, risk finance and development
Lessons learned from the project “Enhancing Urban Resilience in Medellín through Insurance Protection for Climate Risks and Natural Disasters”
The InsuResilience Solutions Fund, alongside a consortium made up of the NGO Global Communities, the reinsurer Hannover Re, and global broker and consultancy firm Willis Towers Watson, collaborated on the project "Enhancing urban resilience in Medellín through insurance protection for climate risks and natural disasters". During this project, a parametric risk transfer product was designed to cover flooding, landslides, and earthquakes for the city of Medellín. The experiences and learning were collected in this report
The Landscape of Microinsurance 2023
As climate change and the pandemic have bought the importance of microinsurance to the fore in recent years, the Landscape of Microinsurance has proved a vital barometer on the development of the sector. With 253 insurance providers reporting on 935 products in 34 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the 2023 study is the most comprehensive to date.
Economic abuse – what can the insurance industry do?
Insurance protection is vital for financial security, and it is important that it is made accessible to vulnerable customers. However, many victim-survivors of domestic abuse find themselves unable to access and benefit from insurance. Surviving Economic Abuse, with funding from the Aviva Foundation, published a new briefing on victim-survivors’ experiences of insurance with practical recommendations for the industry.
Plastics on trial: A briefing series on evolving liability risks related to plastics
The first wave of legal cases on plastics have now been launched. ClientEarth predicts that these will evolve rapidly as public and government concern around the impact of plastics continues to grow. This series of four briefs from ClientEarth explores the developments in plastic-related legal action targeting companies.
Digital wages for decent work in Peru: A rapid assessment
When implemented responsibly, digital wage payments – through bank accounts, mobile money wallets or prepaid cards – can benefit workers and enterprises and contribute to public policy aims. This rapid assessment in Peru found that the country has significant potential for further digitisation of wages but that some workers - especially the most vulnerable - are not always reaping the benefits.
Insuring a nature-positive world: An insurers’ guide to hydropower
A recent study demonstrated that nearly two thirds of the world’s longest rivers are no longer free-flowing, and that hydropower dams are the primary cause. Plans for an additional hydropower dams threaten most of the world’s remaining free-flowing rivers and the diverse benefits they provide societies, economies, and ecosystems. Insurers play a key role in facilitating the hydropower sector. This guide outlines actions that insurers can take to protect nature and prevent high-impact hydropower.
The Landscape of Microinsurance 2021
The Landscape of Microinsurance 2021 found that between 179 and 377 million people were covered by a microinsurance product in the 30 countries covered. This is estimated to represent between 6% and 14% of the target population of the countries studied. COVID-19 had an important impact on insurers in 2021, with a heightened awareness of risk but reduced spending power among customers, as well as operational constraints for insurers and their partners.
The Landscape of Microinsurance 2020
The Landscape of Microinsurance 2020 found that between 162 and 253 million people were covered by microinsurance products in 2019 across the 28 countries surveyed. This figure represents between 6% and 10% of the low- and middle-income population in these countries. A total of USD 1,060 million was collected in premiums, representing about 5% of the estimated potential market for microinsurance in the countries concerned.
Unwrapping the Risks of Plastic Pollution to the Insurance Industry
Just like climate change-related risks, this study shows that plastic pollution risks can affect insurance and investment portfolios in the form of physical, transition, liability and reputational risks. Risks ranging from threats to human health to evolving liability claims connected to marine litter and plastic pollution should be actively addressed by insurers.
Landscape of Microinsurance in Africa 2018: focus on selected countries
The 2018 Landscape of Microinsurance in Africa is based on the microinsurance activities of 100 insurers in Africa in 2017. Through their microinsurance activities, these insurers collectively covered a total of 15 million lives — almost 2% of the estimated 700 million people in the low-income bracket in the continent — and brought in total premiums of US$ 420 million, representing 1% of overall insurance premiums in Africa.